Stichting DAP was initiated in 2008 by students and alumni at the department of Geosciences and Engineering and aims to provide the TU Delft with a sustainable heat source through the realization of a geothermal well on the campus, with the help of several partners from the energy industry. In 2009 ‘Stichting DAP’ acquired an exploration license for the Delft area, in which 4 geothermal wells of 2500 m depth have by now been realized by pioneering greenhouse companies Ammerlaan and Duijvestijn.
Furthermore ‘Stichting DAP’ seeks to promote the general use of geothermal energy for heating and energy production in the Netherlands by generating and disseminating knowledge through DAP’s “3O programme” for research, education and development (Onderwijs, Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling). With the addition of the TU Delft doublet, this unique cluster of geothermal wells within a very short distance can be used for research by the TU Delft students. ‘Stichting DAP’ assists greenhouse enterprises in the area with the development of their geothermal initiatives and has an advisory role to municipalities and the provincial council with respect to geothermal energy. Students from the TU Delft organise the DAP Geothermal symposium every two years and the next symposium will take place on the 12th of March 2019 with the subject Urban Heating: Risks & Rewards, click here for more information and tickets.
This website provides you with the history of the DAP project and highlights the latest developments in the geothermal research at the TU Delft and other Dutch geothermal news. More information of the DAPwell can also be found here.