On the 25th of February 2015 the fourth symposium took place. The topic was:
“Cogeneration, Feasibility of cogeneration of electricity and heat in areas with a low geothermal gradient.“ This topic covers a large amount of the problems concerning geothermal energy in North-Western Europe.
It was a successful day and part of this success was caused by the enthusiasm of the audience. So thank you for being a part of the Fourth DAP symposium.
We would like to thank a couple of special people for their contribution to the DAP symposium 2015. We thank the committee of recommendation for their help by finding sponsors, speakers and approaching participants. We would also thank our speakers for sharing their knowledge and making time in their busy schedules. We thank Nicole van Tuijl for helping with the large stack of invoices and sending them even during her holidays. We have special thanks to David Bruhn and Victor van Heekeren, who helped us from the start to the end.
By A. van de Weerd
By C. Boissavy
By M. Middelburg
By P. Valdimarsson
By G. Nitters
By R. Selles
By S. Frick
By J. Holwerda
By T. Kölbel
By B. Vos