Stichting Delft Aardwarmte Project Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands BTW: 818642300B02 RSIN: 8186.42.300 KVK: 27307367
Up till 2017, all financial transactions have been processed through the DAP B.V. As of 2018, after discussion with our shareholders (the “Founding Fathers“) the DAP BV has been liquidated. This enables DAP to achieve an ANBI status and further reduce administration costs, while the fiscal advantages of an ANBI status will make donations to DAP more attractive to supporting companies. The financial most recent financial results are those of:
2019: Concept jaarrekening 2019 Stichting Delft Aardwarmte Project
2020: Concept jaarrekening 2020 Stichting Delft Aardwarmte Project
2021: Concept jaarrekening 2021 Stichting Delft Aardwarmte Project
The articles of association or ‘statuten’ are published here; Statuten_DAP
Over the past 5 years, DAP has been financially supporting an extensive European funded geothermal research programme at the TU Delft. See also here: DAPP EFRO